
Our aim is to support local not for profit organisations, events and initiatives that keep people healthy, happy and connected while building community capacity and resilience. In 2024 we distributed more than $250,000 to local organisations.

Want to apply?

We’ll need you to complete a simple, online application and provide us with some details about your club, project or initiative.

There are some important selection criteria.

All applicants must: 

  • have a bank account at Community Bank Mt Eliza 

  • be an incorporated association, have a DGR status, or be a community not for profit organisation 

  • be geographically located and operate in the wider Mt Eliza area 

  • submit an application that has broad community benefit 

  • not be fundraising on behalf of a third party organisation.

You can contact our sponsorship team for an initial conversation and help.


Mornington Peninsula Toastmasters have received funding from us to purchase new IT equipment. That is helping them run hybrid meetings and develop skills for on-screen speaking and presentations.

A group of women out for a walk at the Frankston waterfront

We help the Women’s Spirit Project to run their mentoring and support programs for local women.